Thursday, April 23, 2015

Keep a Positive Attitude

Keep a Positive Attitude

Drink Lots of Water Everyday
Lose Weight In A Week Part II
Remember to keep a positive attitude about how much weight you can lose in a week. Remember to be realistic as well. Many people quit exercising and dieting because they do not see any results. Losing a lot of fat takes time, and it is not easy. If you give up because you think you cannot lose weight, then you will not be able to lose any weight. There is no easy way to lose weight fast. If that were the case, everyone would be slim and no one would have to diet. So because of this, you have to work harder than others. You have to be willing to cut down or go without certain foods and to stick with it. You have to be tough and maintain a daily exercise routine.
Only then will you manage to lose weight quickly. If you are able to burn 500 extra calories than what you take in every week, your weight loss should be about 1-2 pounds. Be sure not to cut your calories down below 1,050-1200 daily because it becomes counterproductive as you have to have stronger muscles to be able to do any type of effective exercise. When you eat too little, you lose fat as well as muscle; this is not good because then your metabolism slows down, and it is much harder to rev up the intensity or duration of your exercise.  To get a maximum metabolism necessary for weight loss, you need to start by eating some breakfast right after you get up. Breakfast becomes very important when you think about how to lose weight fast in a week.


Drink Lots of Water Everyday

Lose Weight in a Week
Remember to stay hydrated by drinking as much water as you can. To determine how much water you should drink, take your weight and divide it in half, that’s how many ounces of water your body should have everyday. Not many people realize that if you do not drink a required amount of water daily, you will miss out on losing a lot of weight. The more water you drink, the higher your metabolism gets, so that you end up with more loss of fat. Caffeine also speeds up your metabolism to burn more fat. But be careful not to drink sugary sodas because they will cause you to gain weight. Instead, try coffee or tea to drink. Alcohol is never a good idea because it will leave you feeling tired, worn out, and heavier. If you are a heavy drinker of alcohol, replace those drinks with water if you are wondering how much weight you can lose in a week. You will quickly see some fast weight loss.
Additionally, to lose weight in a week, do this everyday, right after you wake up, before breakfast, try some cardio to give yourself the advantage of higher fat loss. Your body has not had any food so it is in starvation mode and you are out of energy then.
If you want to do High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) for more rapid weight loss, you can do so in about half the time of a regular one-hour cardio workout. You can try doing a combination of the two. The HIIT workouts have an added benefit in that you get the same result in about the time it takes for walking or biking or regular cardio.


3 Meals a Day


Lose weight in a week

You should still be sure to eat 3 meals daily, but you can change what you eat. Give up the junk food and cook something healthy for yourself. Avoid any over eating and bad snacks. Fish oil can prove beneficial to weight loss and contribute to your overall health.
Minimize the amount of starch, sugars, and animal fats; instead, focus on veggies and fruits, egg whites, soy, skinless poultry breasts, shellfish, fish, nonfat dairy and extremely lean meat. Veggies help you to feel full along with water; keep tempting foods out of sight and out of mind and stay busy so you are not eating out of boredom.
In a nutshell, the fastest way to lose weight in a week, you should not splurge on weekends. Exercise more on the weekends instead. Use these days to lose more weight. If you want to lose a good deal of weight over a period of time, use these techniques. You will be able to regain your great body and stay healthy at the same time.
The Diet Secret Research Team – Lose weight in a week

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