Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The best time to diet

The best time for dieting and fat loss

Despite what many people say the best time for dieting is when you think you can give it your best effort. It all depends on what your priorities are. For example if you are looking for an exercise program, you must first see where you can fit it in to your daily or weekly schedule. If you work from 9 to 5, then getting up early in the morning to workout, would best suit your needs. Different people have different needs and schedules and what suits you may not suit someone else. When deciding what is the best time for you, think about what suits your individual needs and not someone else. The same thing goes for dieting. Only start when you feel you are ready and then give it your best shot. Don’t let other people pressure you to do it. Only you can determine what will work best for fat loss. 

Once you decide to begin dieting there are still are a few additional things to keep in mind. In order to recover from intense training sessions you must consistently consume a wide variety of healthy food. One of the best times to begin is during a vacation. It’s a misconception that being on a vacation means you have to pig out and eat a lot. But look at it this way, when you are on vacation you are free of all the stress and tension of work. Being free of distractions is a great time to start an exercise program and more important, reorganize your eating habits.

One mistake many people make is starting a diet by drastically cutting calories. This rarely works as the more extreme the diet the more unlikely it will be to sustain. Instead you should begin by setting small but attainable goals and then slowly modify your eating as you reach these goals. For example set a goal of being more conscious of your eating habits when you are around others in social settings.

The role of insulin in dieting and fat loss is also very important. Skipping meals or going long periods of time without eating plays havoc with insulin levels. According to researchers at the Long Island Jewish Medical and Research Center, excessive insulin increases your body’s fat-storing abilities. In addition, insulin inhibits the body from releasing energy from fats and also increases the livers production of cholesterol.
The way to prevent rapid changes in insulin levels is to eat four to six small meals per day, separated by only two to three hours. This keeps insulin levels relatively stable and decreases fat storage.

Even though dieting is important for fat loss, keep in mind that an exercise program plays a major role as well. In fact both diet and exercise are in many ways related. People who exercise consistently find it much easier to follow consistent eating habits. One of the best times to exercise is in the morning when there are fewer distractions. Many people who workout early in the morning report that doing so makes it much easier to eat healthier throughout the day.
Keep in mind that early morning workouts may not suit your daily schedule. The most important thing is that you train at some point during the day. Good health cannot be attained if the person does not follow a consistent training routine and eat properly.

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