Sunday, April 19, 2015

Celebrity Diet Secrets

Looked at the body’s beauty is definitely Hollywood celebrities often make you curious about it. Makes you wonder what the heck is the secret of their sexy bodies. Well, do not envy first, to get a charming body shape required intensive training and strict diet. Cosmo discover a variety of techniques are performed by their diet. So, let’s listen to how they maintain the body shape.

Celebrity Diet Secrets

Juice diet by January Jones

In preparation for her role as Emma Frost in X-Men movie latest, January Jones managed to lose weight to come down to two dress sizes, wow! The trick? By restricting food and only eat raw vegetables and fresh juice only. Yes he is really dedicated.


Diet-free day by Katy Perry

As a preparation for a world tour that will be lived, Katy Perry perform strict diet plan. With intensive physical exercise which he more or less similar to a series of training for the Olympics. However, this Georgeous women still have a diet-free day on Sunday, when he could eat the burger.

Detox diet by Gwyneth Paltrow

Gwyneth is now following a detox diet program daily diet consisted of two cups of liquid meals plus a few vegetables, chicken, and buckwheat. This program will be very effective if followed for three weeks, you know. If you follow this program then you should forget the habit of drinking coffee, because it requires you to be free of caffeine.

Raw food diet by Britney Spears

Following the lead of Katie Holmes, Britney tried to reduce the fat by eating raw foods. Womanizer singer was consuming raw vegetables including seaweed marinated in olive oil with coconut, papaya, or pancakes made from whole grains. No pain, no gain!

Blood Type Diet by Cheryl Cole

Well, with a proportional body shape, Cheryl actually does not need to lose weight. But to keep him healthy and keep his body still excellent condition, she followed a diet based on blood type found Dr. Peter D’Adamo is Eat Right for Your Type.

Maple syrup diet by Beyonce

This bootylicious woman can take care of every curve of her body is fabulous with just drinking maple syrup, cayenne pepper, lemon juice, and water. Without eating anything. Drink fluids as much as six to nine times a day was able to make the weight down to 10kg in just over two weeks. Errr, sounds terrible, right?


St.Tropez diet by Eva Longoria

The Desperate Housewives gets its inspiration from the French food and follow a traditional Mediterranean diet. Women who have olive skin is to eat foods rich in Omega 3 fatty acids that are found in fatty fish, nuts and green vegetables. Foods that are processed and preserved, of course big no no!

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