Saturday, May 16, 2015

Top 10 Question to lose weight

salad diet foods

  1. What all should your diet comprise of?
People often get confused about what to eat while on a diet. This is one of the most important concerns that most of us have when trying to lose weight and promote fat loss. It is important for all of us to be sure of our own body mechanisms. What suits one person may not suit another. Doctors generally advise that no matter how much weight you want to lose it is important to eat about 1,200 to 1,500 calories per day. Eating fresh fruits, vegetables along with drinking lots of water helps in maintaining a healthy body and also can be a great source of a glowing skin. 

  1. What are the right timings to eat in a day?
When to eat and what are the right time intervals for eating food are two important things to keep in mind. It is advised to eat smaller meals spread through out the day rather than to eat heavy meals in one go. It is also important to never skip breakfast.

  1. How should climate changes affect your diet?
For most people, summers and winters may mean eating different types of food. However not many people recognize the importance of how to diet depending upon the seasons. As you’ll sweat more inn the summer months, it is recommended that you drink lots of water and eat more fresh fruits. This will help keep the body well hydrated. In winters, however, you may eat foods with higher calories but in order to keep your body in shape and lose weight you should exercise regularly.

  1. When will the results start showing?
We all wonder when we’ll start seeing the results of our diet. This varies from person to person and remember that patience is a virtue while dieting. Also regular exercise helps in reducing weight easily and a faster rate of fat loss.

  1. How to switch between dieting, exercise and work?
Seems a tough task? But it is not that difficult. Time management is a very important concept while dieting. You have to know how much time you can spend on dieting and exercise so as not to disturb your regular routine. Learn to prioritize and you will do fine.

  1. How to cure food carvings and hunger?
When you start a diet it is very easy to fall into the trap of giving in to  temptations. You will no doubt get late-night food cravings. This however can ruin your diet. A good way to tackle this is to eat multiple meals on short intervals. This is the best approach for fat loss and to lose weight.

  1. Which type of diet remains advantageous for a long time?
Results on how a diet may work for you can vary for different people. You can begin by trying different eating patterns for a while and see. However one thing to keep in mind is not to take dieting to an extreme. You may end up with an eating disorder such as anorexia. So defiantly take all the essential nutrients that a body needs along with following your regime of dieting.

  1. Should one eat more or less meals a day?
This is a common concern. Different people have different opinions related to this. However it is often advised to eat smaller meals more often rather than fewer but larger meals. This helps in reducing hunger pangs as well as ensuring that you are getting the food your body needs.

  1. What is the right weight for me?
This is a difficult question to answer but generally speaking the right weight depends upon your height. You may have see people with “perfect figures” but their eating habits may not work for you. Everyone has his or her needs and those needs should be fulfilled or your body will stop functioning properly.

10. How will a good diet benefit in long term? As you start a diet there are a number of problems that you will face but as you keep going you will begin to realize that the best approach is to make it a way of life. Your body will be healthier and you will feel fitter. A balanced diet is the best way to lose weight and promote fat loss.