Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Tips on Fat Blockers: Losing Weight with the Beyonce Diet

A diet that takes in only 1500 calories to lose weight also helps you burn fat each day. One of the secrets to a successful diet is fat blockers and dissolvers. 

The foods you do not eat are just as important as the food you eat for a successful and maintainable diet experience. The Beyoncé Diet, also known as the Lemonade Diet and the Master Cleanse, limits calories, cleans your system and burns fat through the use of lemons and maple syrup. It is one way to a healthier life style.

A Paleo diet is designed to facilitate fat burning and increase metabolism by limiting foods to the kind presumed to be eaten by cavemen. It includes vegetables, fruits, roots, tree nuts, berries, fish, shellfish, meat and eggs.

Designed to help with dramatic weight loss, the GM diet plan helps you burn more calories than you take in within a seven-day period. These diets each contain a diet secret to help you lose weight, and block or burn fat.

Here is a specific look at the Beyoncé or Lemonade Diet. 

Fats are dissolved and flushed out of your system when you use the Beyoncé Diet. This diet, which is officially called The Master Cleanser, is the diet that became famous because Beyoncé used it to lose weight for her role in the movie Dreamgirls. It was originally created in the 1970′s by the pioneering natural healer, Stanley Burroughs, to give relief and heal a variety of conditions.

While on the diet, your calorie intake is about 1500 or less daily. The fat burning action is facilitated by the use of a tiny amount of cayenne pepper in the lemonade, water and maple syrup mixture that you drink each day. The diet is followed a minimum of 10 days for the best results. You possibly lose 20 pounds in 10 days, your body is flushed of many toxins, and you have more energy.

Additionally, because of the vital minerals and vitamins supplied by the lemons and maple syrup, you are able to stay on the diet for 20 to 30 days before returning to a modified regular food diet. Many diets are available to help you lose weight. A diet rich in minerals and vitamins is good for you. Choosing the mineral-rich Beyoncé Diet also cleans and flushes toxins from your system. It is a diet secret to maintaining a healthier life style.

Beyonce Diet is No Secret, See How You Will Burn Fat Fast

Beyonce Diet a Risk?

While a person is on the Beyonce Diet, it is possible to lose 20 pounds in 10 days. It also cleans toxins from the body. It recently became very popular after Beyonce announced that she lost weight for her Dreamgirls movie. Other titles for this diet are the Master Cleanse, Lemonade Diet, or Maple Syrup Diet.


It was developed by Stanley Burroughs and was originally used for detox purposes. Detox flushes dangerous toxins from the body. The Beyonce Detox Diet is now known as a fast weight loss diet. Even though it now has been receiving great attention, the Beyonce Diet has actually been around for decades. The original plan calls for a person to drink at least six servings of the lemonade formula each day.
After following the diet for up to two weeks, a person must slowly go back to consuming solid foods. Vegetable soup, fruits, and vegetables are a good start. An individual usually loses weight on the Beyonce Diet because a person engages in a serious caloric deficit.  Most people are actually losing water and muscle weight. Fat is rarely spared.

Most diets cost a fortune to follow. They involve boxed dinners or other difficult to follow recipes. This Beyonce diet plan is different. Drinks are created from water and normal ingredients that are found in most pantries. The most expensive items will be maple syrup or lemons. It is simple to prepare the Beyonce diet recipe as well. 

The only hard part is giving up solid food. It will also be annoying to run to the bathroom all day. Some people even compare the lemonade to the popular energy drinks on the market.  When the stomach begins to growl, it may be hard to continue. It will be smart to hide favorite foods during the two week cleanse.

Losing weight will increase health.  The heart is sure to feel great benefits. It is important to understand that losing and gaining weight too fast may cause stress on this muscle. In other words, low calorie diets that are used for long periods of time can harm the heart. The Beyonce Lemonade Diet may or may not help people with diabetes.

Detoxify Your Body

Detoxification eliminates poison from the body. These toxins can include arsenic, body waste, or harmful chemicals. When they are not properly eliminated from the body, they can lead to painful conditions like gout or other illnesses. A toxin does not necessarily mean death. It can make a person nervous, tired, or depressed. Detox may be the best way to gain a feeling of freshness and energy. Most people think that detox only takes one step. 

In reality, it is a two step process. In the beginning, toxins are targeted from fat cells. Then the body eliminates the toxins. Besides lemonade, two other things are taken into the body to help get rid of toxins. The Beyonce diet plan also includes herbal laxative tea and a Salt Water Flush. For lasting results, a person drinks these each morning, not in the evening.

It is important to understand that this Beyonce diet may be dangerous.  No solid foods can be consumed during the fast.  Exercise is not necessary. In fact, exercise may be near impossible, since energy will be limited. It is essential to consult a physician before trying any new diet plan, especially one as drastic as the Beyonce Diet.

The original Lemonade Diet has seen many positive results for over 50 years. The only problem is that no one knows exactly what was consumed in the beginning. Some people have added shakes to the lemonade drinks or have taken capsules of cayenne. The main reasoning behind the plan is that it gives a needed break to the digestive system. Fasting has been used since ancient times to provide strength to the mind and spirit. It is currently practiced in Russia and parts of Europe.

Beyonce Diet

The Beyonce Diet does not follow the accepted guidelines for healthy and balanced weight loss.  Nutritionists recommend that a person loses no more than two pounds per week. However if a person is in general good health, a cleanse will not cause any harm. It is not something that should be practiced on a consistent basis. Cycling back and forth between a liquid diet and solid food can lead to extreme nutritional deficits.

A person may also suffer from organ problems and a weak immune system. Even after drinking large amounts of lemonade, laxatives dehydrate the body and can lead to problems. Side effects may include nausea, tiredness, and irritability. It is essential to speak with a doctor, especially when suffering from other medical conditions. A doctor may be able to explain a healthier way to lose weight. If a person is severely obese, this type of plan is not the best avenue for weight loss.